What is Candidiasis?

Among hundreds of infections that people are affected with all over the world, one is candidiasis. It is caused by a fungal infection. The infection causing agent is a parasitic yeast fungus whose scientific name is Candida albicans. Under usual conditions, this fungus is harmless and inhabits the body along with numerous other bacteria. In areas around the mouth, throat, intestinal tracts and the genitals, this fungus is generally present. 

Although, normally it is harmless but under some conditions, you can be affected with Candidiasis infection which is quite harmful. Weak immunity is a major cause which aids in the multiplication of the fungus, giving the infection a serious shape. What you should be most concerned about is that, once the fungi start to increase in number, it, having the ability to pass into and travel through your bloodstream, infects various other body parts. Thus, the infection begins to spread across the body.

The outward manifestation of Candidiasis occurs through a number of symptoms, it havingwhat is candidiasis the ability of infecting various body parts. The primary symptoms may include headache, dementia, fluctuation of mood and even in some cases, impotence. Other signs of your having this infection may be your having bad breath, stomach infection, diarrhea, heartburn. Candidiasis infection may also result in not so serious symptoms like those of muscle pain, night sweats, persistent cough. Candidiasis, however, is most commonly manifested through bladder infections and vaginitis.

Besides these, there are numerous other symptoms too. However, in order to prevent the symptoms from taking a serious and developed shape, you should abstain from some specific types of foods like those containing excess of sugar or yeast. The infected person should also try to keep away from a damp, humid atmosphere in order to stop the infection from becoming severe because such atmosphere is perfectly favorable for the growth of the infection causing fungi.

Vaginal infection caused by Candidiasis is usually accompanied by itching, discharges and severe hot burning sensations. This infection may also show itself up as white sores in oral regions like on the tongue, the inside of the cheeks and the region near the gums. The area around the dentures in the mouth can also be affected.

People are infected by Candidiasis, irrespective of gender. It affects both men and women. Also, there is a popular belief that transmission of Candidiasis occurs through sexual contact. But this does not have any basis and hence, is untrue. However, babies being very commonly affected by the infection, the disease can be easily transmitted to their mothers who nurse them.

There are also other factors to be kept in mind which can increase your chances of being infected by Candidiasis. If you have been on a course of antibiotics for a long time or have been suffering from a long term illness then you may easily fall prey to the infection. All these factors are responsible for weakening your immunity system, thus, making you susceptible to the disease. You may also get Candidiasis infection during your pregnancy or when you are consuming certain medicines. Candidiasis may also be manifested due to diabetes or deficiency of iron. Also, if you are using oral steroids, your chances of getting infected may be increased.


Check Out These Top Yeast Infection Products Reviews

Heal Candida with Essential Oils

Yeastrol Homeopathic Cure

Yeast Infection No More

Yeast Diet Cook Book

However, what you should make sure is that the infection is rightly diagnosed. As Candidiasis has numerous symptoms, it becomes very difficult for the doctor to correctly diagnose it. And, indeed, often it is wrongly diagnosed that leads to a further growth of infection. So, before prescribing any treatment, the Doctor should conduct tests, specifically, with an aim to see if it is a case of Candidiasis.

This article is sure to have grown enough awareness in you about Candidiasis-its causes, symptoms and diagnosis. Hence, keep this in mind in order to avoid this infection and if already infected, make sure you get the correct treatment at the right time.